We’re really not the sophisticated expert packing kind. None of those fancy folding devices for us. In actuality we’re more about stuffing it all in, and then getting on with the exploring part of our trips. But we have done two weeks in France and Italy with just carry on, so perhaps we have a little more expertise than we are willing to admit to.
So as a true team player, we’re going to share with you, our real insider #1 Packing Tip. This is our favorite mantra, that we just can’t stress enough. And that is…… Don’t Pack It, Buy It Instead! Simply put, we prefer to travel light and footloose. So instead of packing it, we adopt the motto to travel where you will, and buy when we get there.
It may be just a t-shirt, perhaps a new pair of board shorts, or as in the case of my lovely associate, a nice dress of envious French fashion, always makes for great souvenirs. I’ll often stop in the boutique of a nice Beach Bar and pick out a compelling T. Here are a few of our recent additions as an example.
One of our favorite stops on St. Martin is the small Calmos Cafe in Grand Case. We love dining beachfront with our feet in the sand and watching the spectacular Caribbean sunset. And what’s not to love about the carefree attitude and motto “C’est la Vie!”
We always love breakfasts when we travel. It is truly a time when the locals guard is down and you get a short glimpse behind the veil. From small coffee shops in Italy to a seaside breakfast in the islands, I love to watch the day awaken with the locals. Here’s a shirt that reminds me of one of my favorite breakfasts in St. Maarten. I love to relax with St. Bart’s in the horizon.
Some of our additions remind us of a really great story. Like this one from Island 92 Radio in St. Maarten. Arriving on island I opened my bag to see that the TSA had inspected my bag, and obviously forgot to place my shirts back inside. With nothing but the shirt on my back we stopped to say hello to our friend Soc at Island 92. Hearing my sad tale he dug into the closet of refugees and gave me a few promotional tees. After two weeks of dragging the TSA through the mud while on island, I returned home to find my shirts still hanging in my closet! We had a good laugh, and I got a few free tees in the process.
My personal favorite however happens to be the story of a waiter at Hawksbill Beach Resort in Antigua. I complimented him one evening on this awesome shirt in the brilliant Caribbean colors. The next evening as were seated for dinner, a small packet was delivered table-side. In it was a nice new shirt!
I no longer have that shirt, but this one from Kakao Beach Bar in St. Martin is a close substitute. Whenever I don it I feel compelled to take orders and bus tables!
So there you have it, my No. 1 tip for packing. So remember, as you laying all your clothing out in preparation for your next big trip, toss half of it back and Buy Local! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go look for that shirt from Antigua. “Honey, where’s the shirt that waiter gave me…” This can’t end good!
Live the Life,
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