Jeff Vanderpool
Emergency Contacts:
Bonnie Vanderpool (wife): 816-721-7082
Aaron Vanderpool (son): 347-659-4228
Jonny Vanderpool (son): 816-877-2665
Nathan Vanderpool (son): 816-833-6351
Blood Type: O+
Radical Cystectomy with Orthotopic Neobladder: A total cystectomy with reconstructive Neobladder replacement – Urinary bladder has been removed and replaced by an internal reservoir constructed from a section of small intestine, which now contains urine. If unconscious for longer than 4 hours, catheterization would be appropriate to avoid urine backup into kidneys.
It is normal for urine to contain a thick mucus and bacteria from the neobladder. This is not necessarily an indication of infection.
Emergency Medical personnel with questions about neobladder care should immediately contact Dr. John Taylor, or Kathleen Mann at the Kansas University Health System, Urology Dept. at 913-588-4893.
After hours and weekends, please contact the University of Kansas Medical Center 913-588-5000. Day or night emergency contact is available at this number, and the urologist on call will be paged.